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SuperView's Debut for Chinese Users

Source:SpaceView  Date:2016-11-02

On 25 November, SuperView -1 01/02 arrived at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, waiting for 26 December, Big Day for the launch. Since they are the first Commercial Made-in-China VHR satellites, all its gestures volumes to all the users and industry stakeholders in China. 

SuperView’s operator, investor and builder jointly invited the potential satellite data users to have a close look at the satellites in the storage house in the afternoon on 22 November. All these visitors were industry bosses, and they showed keen interests in the beneficial potentials.
Visitors in the class 100000 cleaning room of SuperView
CEO of the operator said to these bosses: “Different from all the Chinese EO satellites launched in the past decade, our SuperView services will be totally commercial, and we will customize data collection services and develop derived products based on marketing demands.”
Lily Xu, CEO of SpaceWill Introducing Services of SuperView
About SuperView   
SuperView Constellation is formed of 16 0.5 m optical satellites, 4 better performed optical satellites, 4 VHR SAR satellites, and a fleet of hyperspectral and video satellites. The first two 0.5 m satellites (SuperView-1 01/02) will be launched by CZ-2D on 26 December 2016, and the next 2 will be launched to the same orbit in the second half year of 2017. And the full construction of SuperView constellation will be completed by 2022.